Top 10 Small Birds With Long Wings: ID Guide & Photos

Small birds with long wings are fascinating creatures that capture our attention with their graceful flight. These birds may be small, but their wings are designed to help them soar high and travel long distances. Whether they are gliding through the air or swiftly darting between trees, these birds are a marvel to watch. Their long wings not only make them strong fliers but also give them an elegant appearance that bird lovers admire. Let’s explore some of these amazing small birds with long wings and learn more about their unique features.

Top 10 Small Birds With Long Wings

#Bird NameDescription
1Barn SwallowSmall bird with long, pointed wings and a forked tail.
2Common SwiftKnown for its narrow wings and fast, agile flight.
3Ruby-throated HummingbirdTiny bird with rapid wing beats, known for its hovering ability.
4Tree SwallowSmall bird with glossy blue feathers and quick, graceful flight.
5Black SwiftFeatures long, curved wings, and is an expert at flying high.
6Purple MartinLargest swallow in North America, with long wings and a forked tail.
7Cliff SwallowSmall bird with a square tail and long, pointed wings.
8White-throated NeedletailFast-flying bird with long, pointed wings and a compact body.
9Violet-green SwallowSmall, colorful bird with long wings, known for its graceful flight.
10Wilson’s Storm-PetrelSmall seabird with long wings, often seen gliding over the ocean.

Top 10 Small Birds With Long Wings

Small birds with long wings are marvels of nature, capable of incredible feats of flight. Their wings, though attached to small bodies, allow them to travel vast distances, perform intricate aerial maneuvers, and live in various environments. In this article, we will explore the top 10 small birds with long wings, providing detailed descriptions followed by tables summarizing their key features for easy reference.

1. Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow
Birds With Long Wings

The Barn Swallow is one of the most widespread and easily recognized small birds with long wings. It has a wingspan of about 12 to 15 inches and is known for its striking blue upperparts and reddish-brown underparts. The long, pointed wings and deeply forked tail give the Barn Swallow a distinctive silhouette in the sky.

These birds are incredible fliers, often seen swooping and gliding gracefully as they hunt for insects. Their long wings allow them to maneuver quickly, making sharp turns and dives to catch their prey. Barn Swallows are also social creatures, often nesting in colonies under bridges, eaves, and barns. They build mud nests that are durable and provide a safe environment for raising their young. These birds are migratory, traveling thousands of miles between their breeding grounds in North America and their wintering grounds in South America.

Wingspan12-15 inches
AppearanceBlue upperparts, reddish-brown underparts, forked tail
HabitatOpen fields, near water
MigrationNorth America to South America

2. Common Swift

Common Swift

The Common Swift is another remarkable small bird with long wings, boasting a wingspan of 15 to 17 inches. This bird is built for speed and endurance, spending most of its life in the air. Common Swifts are known for their sickle-shaped wings and streamlined bodies, which help them reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour.

These birds are expert fliers, capable of performing complex aerial maneuvers while catching insects on the wing. They are also known for their extraordinary migration, traveling from Europe to Africa and back each year. Swifts are unique in that they can sleep while flying, a necessity given that they spend so much of their time in the air. Their nesting habits are also fascinating, as they prefer crevices in buildings, cliffs, or trees where they lay their eggs and raise their young.

Wingspan15-17 inches
AppearanceSickle-shaped wings, streamlined body
HabitatCities, cliffs, forests
MigrationEurope to Africa

3. Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is a tiny bird with a wingspan of just 3 to 4 inches, but its long wings relative to its body size make it an impressive flier. This bird is best known for its ability to hover in place, thanks to its rapid wing beats, which can reach up to 53 beats per second.

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is the only species of hummingbird that breeds in eastern North America. It is easily recognized by its iridescent green feathers and the bright red throat patch (or “gorget”) found in males. These birds are nectar feeders, using their long, specialized bills to sip nectar from flowers. Despite their small size, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are known for their incredible migration, flying non-stop over the Gulf of Mexico to reach their wintering grounds in Central America.

Wingspan3-4 inches
AppearanceIridescent green feathers, red throat patch (male)
DietNectar, small insects
HabitatGardens, woodlands
MigrationEastern North America to Central America

4. Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow

The Tree Swallow is a small, elegant bird with a wingspan of 12 to 14 inches. It is known for its glossy blue-green upperparts and white underparts, which give it a striking appearance in flight. Tree Swallows are agile fliers, often seen darting and swooping over open fields and wetlands as they catch insects on the wing.

Tree Swallows are cavity nesters, often using old woodpecker holes or man-made nest boxes to raise their young. They are social birds, sometimes forming large flocks during migration. Their long wings give them the speed and agility needed to capture their prey and avoid predators. These birds are also known for their migratory behavior, traveling from their breeding grounds in North America to Central and South America for the winter.

Wingspan12-14 inches
AppearanceGlossy blue-green feathers, white underparts
HabitatWetlands, open fields
MigrationNorth America to Central and South America

5. Black Swift

Black Swift

The Black Swift is a small, dark-colored bird with a wingspan of 15 to 18 inches. This bird is known for its long, pointed wings and streamlined body, which make it an expert flier. Black Swifts are often seen flying high in the sky, where they catch insects on the wing.

Unlike many other small birds, Black Swifts prefer to nest in remote, inaccessible locations such as behind waterfalls or on steep cliffs. These nesting sites provide protection from predators, but they also make the Black Swift one of the least understood birds in terms of its behavior and ecology. Black Swifts are long-distance migrants, traveling from their breeding grounds in North America to South America for the winter.

Wingspan15-18 inches
AppearanceDark feathers, long, pointed wings
HabitatHigh altitudes, near waterfalls, cliffs
MigrationNorth America to South America

6. Purple Martin

Purple Martin

The Purple Martin is the largest swallow in North America, with a wingspan of 15 to 16 inches. Despite its larger size compared to other swallows, the Purple Martin is still considered a small bird with long wings. Its wings are long and pointed, giving it an elegant and powerful flight.

Purple Martins are known for their glossy blue-black feathers and their melodious song. They are highly social birds, often nesting in colonies in specially designed birdhouses provided by humans. These birds are insectivores, catching their prey in mid-air with their swift and agile flight. Purple Martins are migratory, spending the breeding season in North America and wintering in South America.

Wingspan15-16 inches
AppearanceGlossy blue-black feathers, long, pointed wings
HabitatOpen areas, near water
MigrationNorth America to South America

7. Cliff Swallow

Cliff Swallow

The Cliff Swallow is a small bird with a wingspan of 11 to 13 inches. It is known for its square tail and long, pointed wings, which give it a distinctive silhouette in flight. Cliff Swallows are social birds, often nesting in large colonies on cliffs, under bridges, or on buildings.

These birds are skilled fliers, capable of performing quick aerial maneuvers as they hunt for insects. Their long wings allow them to glide effortlessly and make sharp turns, making them highly efficient at catching their prey. Cliff Swallows are also known for their mud nests, which they build on vertical surfaces using small pellets of mud. They are migratory, traveling from their breeding grounds in North America to South America for the winter.

Wingspan11-13 inches
AppearanceSquare tail, long, pointed wings
HabitatCliffs, bridges, buildings
MigrationNorth America to South America

8. White-throated Needletail

White-throated Needletail

The White-throated Needletail is a small bird with a wingspan of 18 to 20 inches, making it one of the fastest fliers in the bird world. This bird is known for its long, pointed wings and compact body, which give it incredible speed and agility in the air.

White-throated Needletails are often seen flying high in the sky, where they catch insects on the wing. They are known for their rapid, powerful flight, which allows them to cover large distances in search of food. These birds are also known for their migratory behavior, traveling from their breeding grounds in Asia to their wintering grounds in Australia.

Wingspan18-20 inches
AppearanceLong, pointed wings, compact body
HabitatForests, mountains, open areas
MigrationAsia to Australia

9.Violet-green Swallow

Violet-green Swallow

The Violet-green Swallow is a small bird with a wingspan of 10 to 11 inches, known for its beautiful plumage and graceful flight. This bird has a striking appearance, with iridescent green on its back and violet on its rump, contrasting with its white underparts. Its long wings and streamlined body make it an agile flier, often seen gliding and darting over open areas as it catches insects.

Violet-green Swallows are commonly found in western North America, where they inhabit open woodlands, meadows, and near bodies of water. They are cavity nesters, often using old woodpecker holes or nest boxes provided by humans. These birds are highly social, often forming flocks during migration. Their long wings enable them to perform quick aerial maneuvers, making them efficient hunters. The Violet-green Swallow is migratory, spending the breeding season in North America and wintering in Central America.

Wingspan10-11 inches
AppearanceIridescent green back, violet rump, white underparts
HabitatOpen woodlands, meadows, near water
MigrationWestern North America to Central America

10.Wilson’s Storm-Petrel

Wilson's Storm-Petrel

Wilson’s Storm-Petrel is a small seabird known for its long, slender wings and unique feeding behavior. With a wingspan of about 16 to 18 inches, this bird is a master of flight and often seen gliding gracefully over the ocean. It has a distinctive appearance, with dark plumage and white markings on its wings and tail that make it stand out against the sea.

Wilson’s Storm-Petrel is found primarily in the southern oceans, particularly around the Antarctic region, but it also ranges into the northern oceans during the breeding season. These birds are known for their impressive long-distance flights and their ability to cover vast areas of the open ocean. They have a unique feeding strategy, picking small prey from the surface of the water while skimming over it. Their long wings are perfectly adapted for this style of feeding, allowing them to stay aloft for extended periods while searching for food.

These storm-petrels breed on remote islands and rocky outcrops, where they nest in burrows or crevices. They are highly migratory, traveling between their breeding and wintering grounds, often covering thousands of miles. Their long wings and efficient flying capabilities make them well-suited for their life at sea, where they spend most of their time.

Wingspan16-18 inches
AppearanceDark plumage with white wing and tail markings
DietSmall marine prey
HabitatSouthern oceans, breeding on remote islands
MigrationLong-distance migrator, covering vast areas


These small birds with long wings are some of the most remarkable creatures in the avian world. Their long wings provide them with incredible speed, agility, and the ability to travel great distances, making them fascinating subjects for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike. Whether they are swooping low over open fields, gliding high in the sky, or performing intricate aerial maneuvers, these birds showcase the beauty and wonder of flight in its most extraordinary form.


1. What defines a small bird with long wings?
Small birds with long wings are typically characterized by their relatively small body size and elongated wing structure, which helps them achieve agility and speed in flight.

2. Why do some small birds have long wings?
Long wings help these birds with efficient flight, allowing them to travel long distances, catch insects mid-air, and perform intricate aerial maneuvers.

3. Are small birds with long wings migratory?
Many small birds with long wings are migratory, traveling significant distances between their breeding and wintering grounds.

4. Can I spot these birds in my local area?
It depends on your location. Some small birds with long wings are more common in specific regions or during certain seasons. Check local birdwatching guides for more information.

5. What do these birds typically eat?
Most small birds with long wings primarily eat insects, but some may also consume nectar or small seeds depending on their species and habitat.

6. How can I attract these birds to my yard?
Provide suitable habitats like open areas with water sources, or install birdhouses and feeders that cater to their dietary needs.

7. Are any of these birds endangered?
While some small birds with long wings are common, others may face threats due to habitat loss and climate change. Check conservation status for specific species to learn more.

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