Small Birds with Long Legs: Top 15 Species With Photos

Small birds with long legs are fascinating creatures. They live in many parts of the world, from forests to wetlands. These birds often have slender bodies and long, thin legs that help them wade through water or walk on soft ground. They are known for their graceful movements and unique appearances. Some popular examples include the flamingo, stilt, and heron. These birds use their long legs to search for food, like insects, fish, and plants, making them skilled hunters in their habitats.

15 Small Birds with Long Legs

NumberBird NameDescription
1FlamingoBright pink or red feathers, lives in large groups near water.
2StiltBlack and white feathers, very long red legs, found near shallow waters.
3HeronGrey or blue feathers, long neck, hunts for fish in wetlands.
4EgretWhite feathers, often seen standing still in water, catching fish.
5AvocetBlack and white feathers, long, thin, upturned bill, wades in shallow waters.
6IbisCurved bill, lives in wetlands, eats small fish and insects.
7SandpiperBrown and white feathers, lives on beaches and mudflats.
8KilldeerBrown back, white belly, and a black double neckband, found in open areas.
9SnipeBrown with stripes, long bill, found in marshes.
10CurlewLong, down-curved bill, brown feathers, lives in wetlands.
11PloverSmall, round body, found near water, quick runners.
12PhalaropeSpins in water to catch food, has red and grey feathers.
13BitternCamouflaged brown feathers, hides in reeds and grasses.
14JacanaHas big feet to walk on floating plants, found in tropical wetlands.
15GodwitLong, straight bill, migrates long distances, lives in wetlands.

15 Small Birds with Long Legs

Birds are one of the most fascinating creatures on earth, and among them, small birds with long legs are particularly intriguing. These birds have unique adaptations that help them thrive in their environments. Below is a detailed look at 15 small birds with long legs, along with their characteristics and habitats.

1. Flamingo

Flamingos are well-known for their bright pink or red feathers, which come from the pigments in their diet of algae and crustaceans. They are social birds that live in large groups called flocks or colonies, usually found near lakes, lagoons, and wetlands. Their long legs and necks allow them to wade into deeper waters to find food. Flamingos are also known for their unique feeding behavior, where they filter-feed by stirring up the mud with their feet and scooping up food with their specialized beaks.

Small Birds with Long Legs

2. Stilt

Stilts are easily recognizable by their black and white feathers and very long red legs. These birds are found near shallow waters like ponds, marshes, and coastal areas. Their long legs help them wade through water to find insects, small fish, and crustaceans. Stilts are agile and quick, making them effective hunters in their watery habitats.


3. Heron

Herons are elegant birds with grey or blue feathers and long necks. They are commonly found in wetlands, rivers, and lakes. Herons are expert fishers, using their long legs to wade through water and their sharp beaks to catch fish. They are solitary hunters, often seen standing still for long periods before striking at their prey.


4. Egret

Egrets are similar to herons but are typically white. They are often seen standing still in water, waiting to catch fish or small invertebrates. Egrets have long legs and necks that allow them to hunt effectively in shallow waters. These birds are graceful and are known for their elegant appearance.


5. Avocet

Avocets are striking birds with black and white feathers and a long, thin, upturned bill. They wade in shallow waters, sweeping their bills from side to side to catch small invertebrates. Avocets are social birds that often live in groups and can be found in coastal areas, salt marshes, and mudflats.


6. Ibis

Ibises are known for their long, curved bills and long legs. They live in wetlands and are often seen probing the mud for small fish, insects, and other invertebrates. Ibises are social birds that often feed and nest in large colonies. Their distinctive bills make them easy to identify.


7. Sandpiper

Sandpipers are small birds with brown and white feathers. They are often seen on beaches, mudflats, and near freshwater bodies. Sandpipers use their long legs to wade through shallow water and their sensitive bills to find food in the sand and mud. These birds are known for their rapid, darting movements as they search for food.


8. Killdeer

Killdeers are easily recognizable by their brown backs, white bellies, and distinctive black double neckbands. They are found in open areas like fields, shores, and grasslands. Killdeers have long legs that help them run quickly to catch insects and small invertebrates. They are also known for their loud, high-pitched calls.


9. Snipe

Snipes are small, camouflaged birds with brown and striped feathers. They have long bills and legs, which they use to probe the mud for food. Snipes are usually found in marshes and wetlands. They are elusive birds, often hiding in dense vegetation and making them hard to spot.


10. Curlew

Curlews are distinctive birds with long, down-curved bills and brown feathers. They live in wetlands and coastal areas, where they use their bills to probe deep into the mud for worms and other invertebrates. Curlews are known for their haunting, melodic calls.


11. Plover

Plovers are small, round-bodied birds found near water. They are quick runners and have short bills and long legs. Plovers can be found on beaches, mudflats, and near freshwater. They hunt for insects and small invertebrates by quickly darting around and picking up their prey.


12. Phalarope

Phalaropes are unique among wading birds because they often spin in the water to create a vortex that brings small food items to the surface. They have red and grey feathers and are found in coastal and inland wetlands. Phalaropes are migratory birds, traveling long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds.


13. Bittern

Bitterns are well-camouflaged birds with brown feathers that blend into their reed bed habitats. They are secretive birds, often hiding in dense vegetation. Bitterns use their long legs to wade through shallow water, hunting for fish, amphibians, and insects. They are known for their booming calls, which can be heard from a distance.


14. Jacana

Jacanas are tropical birds with big feet and long toes that allow them to walk on floating plants in wetlands. They are known for their bright plumage, with some species having striking colors. Jacanas feed on insects and other small invertebrates found on or near the water’s surface. Their ability to walk on water plants has earned them the nickname “Jesus birds.”


15. Godwit

Godwits are long-distance migratory birds with long, straight bills and long legs. They are found in wetlands and coastal areas, where they feed on invertebrates in the mud. Godwits are known for their impressive migrations, traveling thousands of miles between their breeding and wintering grounds. They are social birds that often gather in large flocks during migration.



Small birds with long legs are a diverse and fascinating group of birds. Their long legs help them wade through water and soft ground, making them skilled hunters in their various habitats. From the vibrant flamingo to the elusive snipe, each of these birds has unique characteristics and behaviors that make them special. Whether found in wetlands, coastal areas, or tropical regions, these birds play important roles in their ecosystems and are a joy to observe.

Why Do Some Birds Have Long Legs?

Birds have long legs for several practical reasons:

  1. Wading in Water: Long legs help birds like flamingos and herons walk through water without submerging their bodies, allowing them to hunt for aquatic food.
  2. Hunting and Foraging: Birds such as stilts and sandpipers use their long legs to access food in shallow waters and mudflats.
  3. Avoiding Predators: Long legs enable birds to stay above water and out of reach from ground-based predators.
  4. Navigating Soft Terrain: Long legs provide stability on soft or muddy ground, common in wetlands and marshes.
  5. Courtship and Display: Some birds use their long legs in mating displays to attract partners.
  6. Migration and Energy Efficiency: For migratory birds, long legs aid in balance and energy efficiency during long flights.
  7. Feeding Strategies: Birds like avocets use their long legs to stand and feed in shallow water.
  8. Thermoregulation: Long legs help birds manage their body temperature by adjusting heat loss or retention.

Related Questions

  1. Which small bird with long legs is known for its bright pink feathers?
  • Flamingo
  1. What bird uses its long, thin, upturned bill to sweep through shallow waters for food?
  • Avocet
  1. Which small bird with long legs is often found in mudflats and beaches, darting quickly to catch insects?
  • Sandpiper
  1. What is the name of the bird with long legs and a distinctive down-curved bill found in wetlands?
  • Curlew
  1. Which bird has long legs and is known for walking on floating plants in tropical wetlands?
  • Jacana

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